Youth Group Begins September 9

Aug 31, 2017 | Learning, News

East Shore Unitarian Church offers a youth group for high school students, ages 14-18/grades 9-12. We meet regularly on Sunday mornings, after worship service, from 11:30-1pm. As with the rest of our RE (Religious Education) programs, we utilize UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association) established curriculum to support our classes. We rely on traditional UU practices of chalice, readings, songs, quiet reflection, and thoughtful discussion to guide our group time. Youth group is really about personal exploration and community building in the context of a liberal faith tradition.

Youth group is distinct from other RE classes in that we meet after worship service, at 11:30, and are in many ways, directed directly by youth interest and youth planned time. Many of the high school youth also invest their time in the high school OWL program, and the Coming of Age mentor program.  The youth group is complimentary to both of these, and does not replace either.

Keep in the loop with the Youth Group by joining the email list, accessing the facebook parent & youth group page, East Shore Youth Group, and on the church’s website

Youth group is kicking off the year with a hike in the Issaquah Alps, on September 9th from 1-5pm. Parents & youth, as well as members in general, are invited to enjoy quality time in nature, and get to know each other for the upcoming year together. Please rsvp with Amanda Alice, [email protected], and you’ll receive more information about participating. We will be hiking from Red Town Cougar Mountain Trailhead. Dave Kappler will be joining us and sharing his knowledge of the area and the history.

On September 17th, at 11:30 am, come to a parent & youth orientation to get to know one another, and prepare for this upcoming year! Please bring questions, input, and enthusiasm to the meeting. We’ll use this meeting as an opportunity for planning success and programming, as well as a time to connect with other parents of teenagers.

Youth group begins September 24th, and will continue through May 2018 with regular Sunday meetings from 11:30-1pm in the Youth Group room, RE Building, second floor. The East Shore website high school page has a live calendar feed that is updated regularly to reflect the group’s events and plans.