2024-25 RE Volunteer Recruitment

Aug 1, 2024 | Beacon, Learning, News, RE-Flections

From kids’ to youth’ classes it takes numerous volunteers to select, plan, and implement an RE program. As a volunteer teacher you will be at the forefront of our kids’ and youths’ Religious Education. This is a great opportunity to invest in the future of Unitarian Universalism and our community at large. You will have the opportunity to lead a group toward a deeper understanding of Unitarian Universalism and help them understand what it means to be in community.

Here’s an idea of what to expect by being on an R.E. teaching team:

  • Volunteer training is Saturday, September 7 from 9:00am-3:00pm.
  • Classes are 0-5, K-3; 4-6; 7-8; and 9-12.
  • Curriculum to be provided and determined by the RE Leadership Team and DRE.
  • Volunteer two Sundays per month; Religious Education runs from 10:30am – 11:45am.
  • And you will have the full support of your teaching team, the RE Leadership Team, the RE Coordinator, and the DRE.

What are other volunteer opportunities?

The Religious Education Leadership Team is a group of volunteers that works with the Director of Religious Education to oversee all of Religious Education. This includes curriculum selection and implementation, volunteer recruitment, and safe congregations support.

Special event coordinators work for a time bound period on special events such as the Trunk or Treat, Winter Pageant, UU Buddies, the Easter Egg Hunt, Bridging, and the RE Teacher Appreciation Dinner.

Volunteers are the backbone of RE programming! Thank you for considering committing your time. Please Contact our Director of Religious Education for more information or if you are interested. [email protected]