Racial Justice, LGBTQiA, Indigenous & More
Building Beloved Community
The Building Beloved Community Committee is moving forward from the foundation work other East Shore groups have done before us. Specifically:
This congregation voted to adopt an additional 8th Principle to our UU faith’s 7 principles in 2022. Now a redo of our UU faith’s shared values, also known as Article 2, is scheduled for a vote by UU congregations during the annual gathering of UU congregations – GA – in June 2024.
We encourage East Shore congregants to engage in transformational work around anti-racism and healing. Most recently, several book discussions have been held and our Black Lives Matter flashtances continue to occur.
We are supporting and encouraging ourselves in our personal journeys by participating in a formal program called Beloved Conversations (the Among and Within versions) both as individuals and together as a cohort from ESUC.
Going forward, Building a Beloved Community will evaluate and consider how to implement multi-cultural, anti-oppressive practices in East Shore’s governance and membership. Work has already been done on best practices for welcoming new members and governance changes related to membership requirements.
We aim to collaborate with other groups at East Shore using a multi-cultural, anti-oppression lens as we all learn about healing, and work to transform our community. Most notably, we work with Welcoming Congregations and Indigenous Connections.
To get involved in any of our Anti-Oppression work, contact Nicole.
Upcoming Events
Join us for one of our upcoming events as we live our values!
Black Lives Matter Flash Stance: Kirkland
Black Lives Matter Flash Stance: Kirkland
Black Lives Matter Flash Stance: Bellevue
Black Lives Matter Flash Stance: Bellevue
Black Lives Matter Flash Stance: Issaquah
Black Lives Matter Flash Stance: Issaquah
Black Lives Matter Flash Stance: Kirkland
Black Lives Matter Flash Stance: Kirkland
Black Lives Matter Flash Stance: Woodinville
Black Lives Matter Flash Stance: Woodinville
Black Lives Matter Flash Stance: Bellevue
Black Lives Matter Flash Stance: Bellevue
Our Initiatives
Change Is Coming
In less than 3 minutes you can view and learn about Article II (where Unitarian Universalist values are expressed), from several of your own fellow East Shorians.
Black Lives Matter Flash Stances
Inspired by his 2015 trip to Selma, AL to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1965 Selma to Montgomery March, church member Manuel (Manny) Brown felt called to action. He was further inspired when he attended the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly (yearly UU convention) a few months later when our governing body urged UUs across our country to support the Black Lives Matter Movement. Since then, a group of members meets most Sundays all over the eastside to share the message and spark conversations.
Welcoming Congregations
We know that religious spaces haven’t always been welcoming places for all people, especially when it comes to gender and sexuality. We are out to change that. East Shore Unitarian Church renewed their Welcoming Congregations status in 2023.
Welcoming Congregation Program helps us learn how to undo homophobia and transphobia in our hearts and minds, our congregations, and our communities.
The work of welcome is never done. Join us in doing this important work to make all feel welcome.
Indigenous Connections
If you are interested in learning more about indigenous-settler history and the challenges indigenous communities currently face, consider joining a subgroup of the 8th Principle Team. We are currently brainstorming ideas for programs, field trips, speakers, actions, and discussion groups for books and films. We welcome your presence and ideas! For the next several months, we will meet on zoom every other Thursday at 5:30 p.m. to share ideas, resources and reflections.
Books & Film Recommendations
Here are recommended books and films from our Building Beloved Community Committee with help from our Indigenous Connections and Welcoming Congregations Teams. In this section of our resources you...
Frequently Asked Questions
The Building Beloved Community Committee takes time to answer some of our most asked questions. If you don't see a question on the list, please reach out for a personal response, we may just add it...
Organizations & Programs We Support
Our Building Beloved Community Committee works with several organizations locally and nationally. We recommend several organizations who offer classes and programs great for deepening your...
1997 UUA Resolution
WHEREAS the 1996 General Assembly resolved that all congregations, districts, organizations, and professional and lay leaders participate in a reflection-action process throughout the 1996-97 church...
Informational Websites
Land Grab Universities, A High Country News investigation, How the United States funded Land Grant Universities with expropriated Indigenous land. Native Land Digital, Search your address to find...
Widening the Circle of Concern
Widening the Circle of Concern series of classes offers a summary and discussion of the 2020 blueprint for the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and East Shore to become more anti- racist,...
Our 8th Principle Work
Adopted 8th Principle
On June 13, 2021, the members of East Shore Unitarian Church voted overwhelmingly to adopt the 8th Principle.
In doing so, we became one of the first 100 congregations to adopt this principle.
“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”
For testimonials from our members on why we support the 8th Principle, watch the video below (you will see 8 testimonials) or find them on our YouTube Channel.
Why I Am Voting For the 8th Principle
by Carrie Bowman I am voting for the 8th Principle because BIPOC Unitarian Universalists are telling us White Unitarian Universalists that this addition to our seven principles is necessary. BIPOC...
Why I Support the 8th Principle
by Amélie Heise Growing up as a UU, I was never really aware of how white our faith is until I reached high school and started to participate in race caucusing at our bi-annual conferences....
Why I Support the 8th Principle
by Marcy Langrock My family and I joined East Shore in 2013. East Shore is my first experience with the UU tradition. I was drawn to this community by its dedication to service and its advocacy...
News & Opinion Pieces
Raising Our Hands to the Duwamish!
For the January 26 service, ESUC’s Indigenous Connections (IC) Team invited the Duwamish Solidarity Group (DSG) to come share their experience working with the Duwamish Tribe in Seattle. The DSG is...
Being Present As Medicine: Share the Plate
On November 17, our Lummi partner, Phreddie Xwenang Lane (Sul ka dub), will share his experiences bringing people together for healing, hope, honor, joy, and hospitality. Our Share the Plate for the...
ESUC Joins UU Churches at Pride
On Sunday, June 30, more than 70 UUs from the area, with about 40 from East Shore, joined forces to participate in the Seattle Pride Parade. The joyful day was filled with love and support for our...