Beloved Conversations Among Team

Oct 30, 2021 | Beacon, News, Racial

The Board has now approved a full team for our Beloved Conversations Among! This Board Task Force is made of Beloved Conversations grads and will work with a Coach to make systematic changes at East Shore. This group reports directly to the Board and will keep everyone updated as we work! The first few months are working within just the group before looking at bringing in more of the congregation. The team consists of: Nancy Barnes, Carrie Bowman, Katie Edwards, Maury Edwards, Caroline Haessly, Ryam Hill, Merrillann Hutchinson, Marcy Langrock, Li Lu-Porter, Susan McDonald, Milly Mullarky, Mike Radow, Lori Saccardi, Amanda Strombom, LeAnne Struble, Louise Wilkinson, Sue Yates, with Nicole Duff at the staff liaison.

by Nicole Duff, Director of Membership Development