By Jack Slowriver
Even though it is the middle of summer, the Board is still hard at work. In July, we held our annual board retreat where we discussed the role of Board Standing Committees (Personnel, Financial Stewardship and Endowment, Nominating, and Policy and Governance), the next steps to further solidify the implementation of policy based governance, and drafted new Ends based on the mission and vision that we adopted this past spring. The “Ends” serve to provide direction to our community’s leadership and help to align our work to accomplish the ideals we set forth in our mission and vision. The Board plans to finalize these “Ends” in our August meeting with the hope that they will serve us well for the remainder of our interim period.
The Financial Stewardship Committee is working on finalizing our financial plan for the next five years and beyond, while a second iteration of the Holly House is forming to more fully evaluate the options for property development. The Personnel Committee continues to work to establish consistent policies and protocols, and the Policy and Governance Committee is engaged in a similar effort. This is what is meant by solidifying policy based governance. If you’d like any further information, please ask any Board member. We’re always happy to talk about the work we’re doing and we’re eager to hear your thoughts.