by Marcy Langrock, Board Treasurer
I have the pleasure of writing this month’s Board Buzz. We have just had our annual meeting where we installed our new Board and adopted the budget for the upcoming year. I would like to take this time to welcome Sarah Brannman and Dennis Fleck as our newest Board members. Also, I want to recognize our new president, Tom Doe. Thank you all for your commitment. This month begins my third year serving on the Board. I purposely chose the word “serving” with respect to our role as Board members. We serve and strive to do what is best for the community as a whole while upholding our mission and vision.
I also want to recognize Jack Slowriver, our out-going president and Ryam Hill, our out-going treasurer. They have both led with grace, dignity and love. I am very thankful to have been able to serve with these individuals. Thank you both!
At this time, we are also seeing the departure of our interim minister, Elaine Peresluha. I am extremely sad to see her go. I want to recognize her for being a source of strength for us during a difficult time. When she came to us, we were still in a bit of shock from the abrupt departure of our long-term minister. She has also been instrumental in helping us better understand and follow policy-based governance. Her contributions are many and lasting. Thank you, Elaine. While writing this, the saying, “it takes a village” kept coming to mind. East Shore is our village and we need everyone to contribute based on their strengths and comfort levels. We have talented and dedicated staff members. But, they cannot do it alone. We, as members, need to step up and volunteer. The time commitment can be as much or as little as you choose. There is something for everyone when it comes to volunteering. If you are not sure how to begin or how to find out what roles are available, please ask a Board member and we will be happy to help. Ask yourself what you are passionate about and look for groups related to that. If you are a newer member, this is great way to meet more people and expand your understanding of the church and community. Trust me, it is incredibly rewarding to serve this wonderful community.