by Jack Slowriver, Board President
Happy New Year! East Shore begins 2018 with a new Vice President. I’m happy to announce that Uzma Butte received unanimous support from the Board in her recent election to the Vice President position. This position was vacated earlier this year when Doug Strombom resigned. When there are unexpected vacancies, the bylaws state that the Board may fill them. This process is also supported by the Nominating Committee. Uzma, like any other Board appointments, will serve until our elections are held at our annual meeting. At this point the Nominating Committee will present a slate of candidates for the congregation to vote upon. Though it has been the practice in years past, we are not assuming that this Vice President will automatically assume the Presidency of ESUC’s Board of Trustees. If you’d like more information, please contact Connie Hirnle, the Chair of the Nominating Committee.
Speaking of Nominating Committees, ESUC will also be forming a Search Nominating Committee to select our Ministerial Search Committee. This is a requirement of our bylaws and will likely occur in February. Please let me, or any other Board member, know if you are interested in serving on the Search Nominating Committee.
Prior to appointing a Search Nominating Committee, ESUC will be engaging with ministers from the UUA District to help us continue to work through some our difficulty in being a united community that is able to trust one another and work relatively harmoniously for our shared principles. Please stay tuned for more information.