Centering Comforting Love: hUUgs 2025

Centering Comforting Love: hUUgs 2025

Drop off in the Sanctuary Foyer January-February 9

Please join the Outreach Team in creating care packages to send to young, emerging adults who are a part of East Shore and our extended family. We will be packing boxes on Sunday, February 9 and would love your help!

We are looking for help gathering thoughtful gifts that will help our young adults free comforting love. One idea we would love to include are emotional support pickles! These small crocheted items will bring love and laughter. Find the pattern here. We’d love to have 15-20 made by February 9.

Here are some other items requested by some of our young adults:

  • Reeses Pieces
  • M&Ms (peanut, carmel, etc.)
  • Jelly Beans
  • Twix
  • Twizzlers
  • Jolly Ranchers
  • Chips
  • Kale Chips
  • Fruit Strips/Leather
  • Condoms
  • Fidget Toys

Also, keep an eye out for note cards you can sign to send your love and support to this important ESUC demographic!

Do you have a young adult in your life, either already in the East Shore family, or perhaps in our extended family, that could use a little HUUG? Send us their name and address and we’ll do just that! Email [email protected].

by Nicole Duff, Director of Membership Development

Earth & Climate Action Ministry Team Celebrates 2024!

Earth & Climate Action Ministry Team Celebrates 2024!

Earth and Climate Action Ministry (ECAM) had a banner year. We grew from 6 very active members to 10!! Current members of the Steering Committee are Ann Fletcher, John Chmaj, Mark Norelius, Linda Brown, Marilyn Mayers, Jenny Hall, Richard Gelb, Ron Lovell, and Patricia Paddison.

Starting in 2025 Jenny Hall will be the Contact Person for ECAM.

Following the Climate Justice Revival in September, we created an email list called East Shore Climate Community from attendees who indicated they wanted to be notified of activities and topics of interest regarding environmental issues. Email Jenny Hall if you would like to be added to the email list.

You can read more about our year in our annual report here.

by Kristi Weir, chair

Help Cook Meals for Sophia Way

Help Cook Meals for Sophia Way

Women-Helping-Women, part of East Shore Women’s Perspective, is very pleased to announce the restarting of our monthly meals for The Sophia Way women’s shelter. We had stopped during the pandemic. Our kickoff date was November 21, which was unfortunately during the widespread power outages from the Bomb Cyclone storm. We managed to find a working kitchen to cook and deliver a dinner for 25. The women were very grateful.

In 2025, we will be cooking in the North Room after church on the 2nd Sundays. (Jan 12, Feb.9…..) We welcome more volunteers. It’s lots of fun and very rewarding. Contact Laurie Wick or Connie Hirnle with questions or to sign up to help.

by Laurie Wick, Women Helping Women

Giving Tree Update

Giving Tree Update

Our annual Giving Tree adorns the foyer of the Sanctuary building. You may have noticed; we still have many tags on the tree and the deadline of 8 December is just around the corner. You may have also noticed that many of the tags reflect the needs of our community! The requests include gift cards to Safeway, Fred Meyer, Target — places where basic necessities can be found. This is a sign of the times!

If you are unable to come to church and grab a tag – you may donate and your donation will purchase needed gift cards.

If you would like to bring a gift card to any of these stores: Safeway, Fred Meyer or Target in a value ranging from $25 to $50; bring it with you to church and give to one of the Elves who are there to assist. We can match your gift card with a tag or agency.

If you would like to shop for an item – stop by the Giving Tree to get a tag and have a wonderful time shopping! Return your unwrapped gift to the tree by December 8th.

Your kindness and generosity during this special season is greatly appreciated!

If you have questions – contact Janis Pock or any of your friendly elves!

The Giving Tree Ministry team is comprised of Janis Pock (chair), Paula Doe, Kathie Moritis, Milly Mullarky, Marian Hayes, Janet Fleck, Peggy Phillips. Do you want to join our team? Contact Janis Pock.

Election Vespers

Election Vespers

As the election approaches, our nervous systems are riddled with anxiety. To say that these are confusing and uncertain times would be a gross understatement. So much is at stake and yet we must go on with our everyday lives, despite our heavy hearts. Now is the time to remember that we are not alone. Now is the time to be in community, to lay down our burdens, even if temporarily, and accompany one another through these difficult moments.

If any of this resonates with you, I encourage you to join the East Shore Unitarian community on Monday, November 4th and Wednesday, November 6th from 6:00-8:00 pm for our Election Vespers. We will fill our sanctuary with candlelight and meditation as we hold in our hearts our greatest hopes for our democracy and our collective future.

You are important to me. I love you.

Your Minister, Rev. Maria Cristina

Celebrating Our Families, Children, and Youth

Celebrating Our Families, Children, and Youth

At East Shore, we are proud to be a community that centers love, connection, and resilience, especially in a world where youth face both unique and perennial challenges. Our faith calls us to honor each individual’s worth, to care for one another, and to work toward a future that is just, peaceful, and whole. This vision of a better world guides our children’s and youth ministry, creating a space where young people and families can grow, deepen their connections, and find support during life’s challenges.

Our ministry isn’t just about programs or activities—it’s about creating a community grounded in compassion, learning, and justice. Together, we are shaping a future where trauma does not repeat across generations, where people and the planet can heal, and where we can all work for justice and equity. Through this lens, our children and youth are empowered to explore who they are and what they can bring to the world.

We are especially proud of the adults in our congregation who have stepped into important roles as mentors, leaders, and guides. Whether helping with chalice lightings, leading religious exploration groups, organizing celebrations, or supporting service projects, these adults walk alongside our youth, providing the consistency, warmth, and encouragement they need to grow and thrive.

By nurturing these connections and fostering resilience, we are not only teaching our children and youth to live with integrity and compassion—we are also building the foundation for a future where they can be agents of change. Our collective work, from caring for our neighbors to advocating for a more just and equitable world, reflects the power of community to transform lives. v

Join Us in Building Community with Our Children and Youth!

Looking for a meaningful way to connect with our community and support the next generation? We have some fantastic opportunities to get involved! You can choose from a variety of roles that suit your interests. Check out these upcoming events and sign up directly on the sheets.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Lighting the Chalice (All Year)
  • Childcare (Monthly)
  • Giving Tree Youth Care (November/December)
  • Winter Pageant (December 15)
  • Regional Youth Conference (January 17-19)
  • Church Auction (March 15)
  • End of Year Bridging Ceremony (June 8)

For any questions, please reach out to the Director of Religious Education at [email protected] or call 425-747-3780 x 104

by Amanda Alice Uluhan, Director of Religious Education