Changing Government with UU Voices

Dec 12, 2016 | News

“Deep spirituality leads to action in the world.” – Rev. Peter Morales, UUA President.

uu-voicesAction takes many steps to create a world of betterment for all. We are a privileged people and sharing what we can with others creates a strong base in the lives of others less privileged.  And yet, some of the policies created by governments stifle opportunities for many. Action to create new policies can lead to lasting change. Our UU voice for justice comes out of our deep spirituality of caring for the world we live in.

Washington UU Voices for Justice, our UU state advocacy organization, met on November13 in a virtual format, in which 20 Washington state UU congregations participated. The purpose was to listen to each other, share with each other and vote to establish the priorities for making change in our state governance. Together, the 20 congregations concluded these issues were the top four policies to focus on in the coming Legislative session:
1. Promote carbon emissions accountability.
2. Sustainably manage public lands; respect treaty rights.
3. Strengthen safety regulations on oil and coal trains. Stop fossil fuel infrastructure.
4. Provide comprehensive state tax and funding reform.

Every action, from the basics to policy changes, is a reflection of our deepest spiritual values.

Submitted by Susan Morrisson, Member of ESJCC