Is your committee or team trying to host a meeting that welcomes parents and young families? Are you interested in supporting the participation of parents and families in ESUC events? Volunteering to provide childcare and requesting childcare for church events are two ways to support ES parents and families.
Our Director of Religious Education (DRE), Amanda Alice Ululan, trains people to provide safe, effective childcare, either in advance of or especially for individual events. All childcare providers must be screened and trained according to current safe congregations procedures.
How can your team find volunteers for childcare during a meeting or event?
If your team needs childcare, submit a request to our DRE three weeks prior to your meeting or event. Choose a member of your team to serve as childcare coordinator; this person will communicate with Amanda and be on-site during the meeting or event. Other responsibilities of a team’s childcare coordinator include:
- Reaching out to screened and trained childcare providers, including important event details and childcare expectations.
- Being available to answer event questions. (Safety questions go to the DRE.)
- Reserving a room and specifying any access to kitchens and technology that is needed.
- Organizing all activities and communicating with childcare providers and DRE.
Expenses for the event, such as food and activities, will be taken from the line item associated with the individual committee or event. Before the event, the coordinator and volunteers will tour the facility, review emergency procedures, confirm check-in/check-out procedures, and review additional tips and procedures with the DRE.
Childcare volunteers are appreciated more than ever! Thank you for considering this important way to support the inclusion of parents and families during meetings and events in our community.