Here is an easy way to support bold, sound, and just climate legislation in the Washington state during this year’s session (Jan 13-April 27).
Join the 350 WA Civic Action Team (CAT) who will send you two easy-access emails per week tailored with options for how much time you have (from 5 to 20 minutes per week). The bi-weekly email lists the climate bills with top priority for the week. After the brief explanation of the bill, click on a link to register your Pro or Con position on a bill. You may add a comment, but it is not required.
350WA says: “We recognize that folks don’t always have time to get all the way through our actions, and that is okay! Every little bit helps. We just ask that you get through as many sections as you can and then scroll to the bottom and click the orange “Done” button to submit. This way we can keep an accurate tally of how many actions the CAT campaign takes this session.
Here is the link to join the CAT:
by Kristi Weir, Earth and Climate Action Ministry Team