by Amanda Alice, RE Programs Coordinator
Coming of Age is a Unitarian Universalist tradition, welcoming the transition of childhood into young adult or youthhood. Coming of Age asks tough questions about faith, values, and character, and creates a safer space for our participants to engage with those questions. This year, Julie Heise and LeAnne Struble, congregants of 10+ years here at East Shore, led 5 youth through the complete cycle of the curriculum and programming. They include Berkeley Conkling, Logan Cox, Francis Sherley, Kalen Woolwine, and Nicky Woolwine. The course started with bonding activities for the group, and ended with the personal work of crafting a “credo,” and creating a Sunday morning worship service. Adult mentors in our community work with each youth throughout the program, developing a relationship and offering guidance. The program fills an important role in our young people’s lives and offers an opportunity for adults, too. Intergenerational relationships are a staple of healthy communities, and this is one of our most popular opportunities to do just that.