Flower Team
We have a wonderful group of people who provide flowers and arrangements in the church all year round. You may wonder what it is that they do. It is a little like being flower fairies: you see the end result but not how they make the magic that you see. The team creates approximately 11 arrangements each week; times that by 52 and you have 572 a year. They also do extra arrangements through the year when needed. Thanks to this wonderful ministry team, East Shore does not have to spend $12,000 to $15,000 a year on flowers. So the next time you see a flower fairy, please let her know how much you appreciate her. The Flower Ministry Team is always looking for others who want to help with the flowers. No experience is needed, as they will train you how to make the arrangements.
Grounds Team
If you like getting your hands dirty, this is the group for you! We keep the grounds nice and beautiful from helping with raking to making sure the buildings are in tip-top shape.
Memorial Garden
The Memorial Garden provides a beautiful natural area in close proximity to the church where people can find a peaceful environment in which to meditate on the cycles and meanings of life. All memorial plants are tagged with both the type of plant and the name of the person being memorialized. Families are invited to place a one-page biography in a book kept in the minister’s office. The people’s names are installed on the memorial plaque in the Sanctuary. In this way our members and our congregation as a whole can honor and remember our loved ones who have died. The committee will continue to maintain the garden with occasional major clean-ups as well as ongoing weeding, pruning, and watering during the dry months. Additional committee members and maintenance volunteers are welcome.
P-Patch Work Party: Sunday, March 31, 12:30 p.m.
It looks like the ground is starting to thaw, and we’re excited to get outside for what could be the last year in the P-Patch garden at it’s current location. Depending on the sale of the adjacent Holly House property, we may no longer have this extra lovely garden to grow in. Come savor it and lend your hands to the cultivation of love in the form of food. We’ve got plenty of space, a greenhouse, and room for gardeners of all abilities and ages to join in. We meet informally on Sundays after second service. Tools are readily available in the garden shed, so simply bring a bottle for your water and some good work clothes. We’ll start in the garden Sunday, March 31, 2019 following the 11:00 a.m. service. Now’s a great time to get pruning, digging blackberries, and tilling the earth for a fresh year. We can provide seeds as well. Much of our food goes toward the P-Patch Produce table which on many Sundays throughout the summers offers produce by donation, whose donations in turn go toward a local non-profit of choice. Last year, the table made a donation of $800 to the non-for-profit Clean Greens whose mission it is to offer hands-on food growing education to low-income and people of color communities in the Seattle, Central District neighborhood. Help lend your hands to this important Earth-based ministry at East Shore. Contact Amanda to get involved today!