Our goal is to provide a ministry of hope and caring so that no member or friend of our congregation need be alone during a crisis or other time of need. We:
- connect with those who are ill, lonely at home, or in recovery at a medical facility.
- support those going through a life crisis.
- maintain contact with those unable to attend worship services due to illness or disabling condition.
- support those involved in caregiving.
- comfort the bereaved.
Lay Ministers
The Lay Pastoral Ministry Team works with the Minister to ensure that the pastoral needs of church members and friends are met. Lay Pastoral Ministers are specifically chosen and trained to provide emotional support, companionship, and caring to church members and friends with both acute and chronic mental, physical and spiritual needs. They also work with the Minister in coordinating other pastoral care volunteers for immediate responses to people in crisis. Referral to professional caregivers or community agencies may be made by or in consultation with the Minister.
Lay Pastoral Ministry Team
Rev. Dr. Stephen H. Furrer, Developmental Minister
Milly Mullarky, Caring Coordinator
Connie Hirnle
Den Kerlee
Evelyn Smith
Lee Vierling
Carol Sinape, Helping Hands
Missy Poirier, Scribe
This team can be identified by the light blue ribbons attached to their name badges on Sunday. The Pastoral Care Corner, located in the back of the Sanctuary, is also a good place to connect. Take a bookmark home and/or fill out a Pastoral Care Card so that someone can respond to your need.
Helping Hands
At East Shore we believe that everyone is good for something, and there are many ways that everyone can lend a helping hand. You may be good for a casserole, some household chores, or a ride to the Doctor’s for an ailing friend. See the sign-up sheet at the Pastoral Care Table in the back corner of the Sanctuary and the list of ways to help others in the congregation. The Helping Hands program is coordinated by Carol Sinape, who may be reached at 425-644-9768. Otherwise, you may call the church office at 425-747-3780.