Current Classes & Series

Find out more about our current events by signing up for East Shore’s weekly e-newsletter or via Facebook here.


Introduction to Compassionate Communication: Tuesdays, May 12-June 16, 6:30-8:30 pm

This is a 6-week, 2 hour Compassionate Communication foundations zoom call. You will learn tools to enhance connection. How to speak your truth in ways more likely to be heard; understand others with more clarity; trust building skills; transform judgments to address what really matters you; and effectively ask for what you want. Learn more and register here. Scholarships available.

Non-Violent Communication and Self Compassion: Thursdays, May 14-June 18, 5:00-7:00 pm

In this 2 hour, 6 weeks weekly zoom workshop series, we will explore the stories we tell ourselves, or maybe have been told to us, and the limiting beliefs and fears that cloud our thinking. We will learn steps to fully grieve regrets, losses and unmet needs to let them go, and to celebrate who we are. Learn more and register here. Scholarships available.

A Space for Parents: Saturday, May 16, 1:00-3:30 pm

This is a drop in 2.5-hrs zoom call for parents to engage in some empathy practices; deepen self connection; and get clarity about what really matters in the chaos. We will look at some basic brain science to support our understanding of what anxiety does in the body and how it can impact our behavior and reactivity. It’s a space to get clear about how we want to move forward in ways that speak to our values and meet more needs. Learn more and register here. Scholarships available.

Cooking with Amanda: Once a Month on Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. Amanda Strombom, President of Vegetarians of Washington, gives regular cooking classes to support those interested in moving toward a plant-based diet and learning new ways of preparing food avoiding animal products. Each class focuses on a different aspect of going veggie, whether it’s on specific food groups, on a particular health topic, shopping or even holiday cooking.  Plenty of samples to taste are always provided. A nominal charge of $5 per class helps us cover the cost of the ingredients and materials. See schedule and register here.

What is Affordable Housing?: Once a month on Mondays, 6:30 p.m. What makes housing affordable? Who is impacted by the cost of housing? What can we do to help? This program series will incorporate film, conversation, and presentations from people in our region to explore the complexities of our housing crisis. In addition to planned sessions, topics will incorporate the interests of participants. The class is free, but please register. This series meets on the fourth Monday of the month, with the following two exceptions: in October, we meet on Wed, Oct 30, at 6:30 in the Sanctuary, and, we are not meeting in December. Led by Carrie Bowman, East Shore member. See dates and register here.


A full list of current events and registrations can be found here. Please select your class of interest. This link requires a setup with Realm, our online membership software.