In order to plan opportunities that you will attend, please help us by letting us know what kinds of classes you would like by filling out our brief survey before August 15. And, don’t forget that you can offer to facilitate a class that others can attend. Whether a facilitator or a participant, share your knowledge, your experiences, and your skills with others.
If you’re interested in Adult Programs at East Shore, ask yourself:
• What do you need?
• What can you offer?
• What will bring us together?
Adult Programs Are:
• Offered by individuals at the church who want to share an interest or expertise with other members and guests.
• One-time discussions of a reading or ongoing classes/meetings that vary in length.
• A variety of formats ranging from book clubs to cooking classes, communication skills practice to speakers, and more.
• Classes often include offerings by staff, typically using UU curricula such as Tapestry of Faith or Immigration as a Moral Issue.
Adult Programs Are Not:
• Classes or events offered by Core Teams such as Women’s Perspective.
• Classes offered by Board Committees such as Right Relations.
• Classes offered by the Board of Trustees such as a church-wide meeting.
You can support the Adult Programs by:
• Teaching or Co-facilitating a class
• Offering class suggestions on this survey!
Click on this AP Survey link and write up your ideas so together we can provide our community with fun, challenge our ideas, and offer spiritual growth.
by Ryam Hill and Lynn Roesch