During the month of December, we invited members and friends of East Shore to make an end of the year contribution to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund, which is East Shore’s budget for helping people out in emergencies. With this fund, Elaine buys gift cards at grocery stores to help Bellevue residents and church members with food, household items and medicine. Elaine has checks drawn up to help people with medical care, car repairs, rent and resettling refugees.
This year, our December appeal, plus the offerings from the Christmas Eve Services collected $3,665. We contributed 50% of the funds to Hopelink in support of their emergency and long-term support projects. $1832.50 was added to our emergency fund. Currently, we have $3,287.59 in the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. We welcome contributions during any part of the budget cycle. Your generosity helps East Shore to close the gap between someone‘s hope and hopelessness.