Are you concerned about the November 2020 elections? If so, please consider joining an East Shore planning group to brainstorm ways to engage people to register and to vote in the upcoming elections. Members of the Earth and Climate Action Ministry team (ECAM), and anyone who would like to join this planning group, will discuss how to bring efforts by various organizations engaged in voting issues to ESUC members. These organizations will provide educational events related to voting rights, voting suppression tactics, and ways to increase voter participation across the country. Phone banking and texting and postcards to potential voters are among the effective methods for increasing voter that will be discussed. We will host an evening Zoom meeting July 22 at 7 pm to begin the planning process. If you want to learn more or are interested in helping, please contact Amanda Strombom or Marilyn Mayers.
by Kristi Weir, chair Earth and Climate Action Ministry Team