Paula Cole Jones and Rev. Stephen Furrer will preach on the 8th Principle, a proposed addition to Unitarian Universalism’s seven faith principles. Come hear a bit of history, context, and why we should covenant to build the Beloved Community free from racism and oppression. The 8th Principle reads: “We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.” Religious Education version: Build the Beloved Community free from racism and oppression.
Paula Cole Jones is the leader of the 8+ year movement for the UUA to adopt the 8th principle. She is a lifelong member of All Souls Church in Washington DC, and a former President of DRUUM (Diverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries).
• To virtually attend, please Zoom in using room number 989 3107 9078, passcode: chalice.
• To phone into the service, call 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 989 3107 9078.
For those joining, please mute as soon as you enter the room, so everyone can hear. Please note, the services will be recorded, but at this time, there are no plans to share the recording.
Religious Education for children and youth begins at 9:30 a.m. in the same room! Learn more here.
If you don’t have a chalice, but want to light one, check out our Making a Chalice at Home page.
Service is followed by Coffee Hour.
by Lexi Myers
Remember the sit ins and marches to be treated equal? Well it had no prequel. There it is, still right here in this busy crown on street, people thinking of hatred from head to feet. At least now there are lots more people by our side as we keep our heads above the surface to strive. Remember the peaceful marches people holding up signs, how people were bead, people like me, who were peacefully acting, to stop this injustice, just for us, so people could ride on a bus no matter your color or race. Sure it may not happen out loud, but thoughts searing through others head, physically blaming us, beating us sometimes to death. Like George Floyd and many others, they were just people of color. People have started this revolution for us, that’s for sure, but we must finish this fight for them, for us, for others future.