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Honoring Our Lay Pastoral Ministry Team

Sunday, February 26 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Honoring Our Lay Pastoral Ministry Team


Sunday, February 26
10:30 am - 11:30 am
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East Shore Unitarian Church
12700 SE 32nd Street
Bellevue, WA 98005 United States
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Pastoral care is a ministry of presence. People have stories of grief, trauma, loss, confusion, loneliness and depression. There is healing value in speaking these stories out loud when there is a compassionate person to listen with attention, and with the intention to bear witness. Our lay pastoral ministers will listen without judging, offering advice, or trying to fix anything. Having someone tuned in and able to be with you while you sort through your feelings allows you to tap into your own deep wisdom and capacity to heal. Rev. Dr. María Cristina Vlassidis Burgoa and the Lay Pastoral Ministry Team will be preaching.

How to Attend

Today’s Bulletin

We require masks in all buildings. We encourage all in person participants to be vaccinated. Read more about our In Person Guidelines here.

• To virtually attend, please Zoom in using room number 989 3107 9078, passcode: chalice.
• To phone into the service, call 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 989 3107 9078.

For those joining, please mute as soon as you enter the room, so everyone can hear. Please note, the services will be recorded, but at this time, there are no plans to share the recording.

More Information

Religious Education for children and youth happens during worship on Sundays. Children and youth arrive in the Sanctuary for the just a little bit and welcome in Sunday with a story and song. Then, they attend their own programs in the Education building. Learn more here!

If you don’t have a chalice, but want to light one, check out our Making a Chalice at Home page.

Both virtual and in person services are followed by coffee hour.

Children’s Story

Sermon Audio

Honoring Our Lay Pastoral Ministry Team

by Rev. María Cristina & Lay Pastoral Ministers

Sermon Text

Milly Mullarky

I am Milly Mullarky, I use she/her pronouns and am the Caring Coordinator of the Lay Pastoral Ministers here at East Shore Unitarian Church.

What is pastoral care anyway?  I had heard the words but really had no idea exactly what they meant until my father died, and Reverend Leon hopper came and sat with my mother and me. He was there, listening as we began to reclaim my father’s wonderful life after enduring a difficult death. That was Pastoral Care from a religious professional, and it was incredibly valuable! Over the years, I also received amazing Professional Pastoral Care from the Reverend Peter Luton.

Lay Pastoral Care is something we actually all do frequently; taking a walk with a friend who wants to talk, checking to see if someone needs anything from Costco when you go, checking in when someone has been ill or struggling etc. I am constantly amazed and delighted how very much members here at East Shore care for each other. 

The Lay Pastoral Ministry is comprised of a group of people who commit to being available for members and friends who seek a little help. My deceased husband Pat and I asked for help when he was struggling with retirement. A Lay Pastoral Minister met him for coffee three or four times and was a great help. 

Although we all have various areas of expertise, our lay pastoral ministry work is personal and not professional. Sometimes there is something that seems too tender at the moment to share with friends; something where confidentiality is very important; or just something you are not yet sure how to articulate. These are times when the confidential help of a Lay Pastoral Minister can be valuable.

I am struck with how unique a church community is in it’s ability to be there for people. Unlike co-workers who quit or move on, neighbors and friends who move or die or even family who often live far away. We are here for each other and for you.

Dennis Fleck

I am Dennis Fleck and I use he/him pronouns.  I have been a member of East Shore since 1981.

One of the rewards of being a member of East Shore, is knowing that pastoral support is available in times of need. Such support may come from our minister, membership in one of the many Covenant Circles, a close church friend or a member of the Lay Pastoral Ministry team.

I have had the honor of serving with your other Lay Pastoral Ministers for the past year and a half; I am the newest member joining when our dear friend Den Kerlee was no longer able to participate.  I find our activities as Lay Pastoral Ministers a true joy – be it meeting East Shore members face-to-face, emailing, talking over the phone, or even texting. The connections and bonds bring joy to my life.  And, in talking with long-time members, one gains insights into treasurers from the past. For example, to access the church property from the west, one drove east on highway 10, and exited onto a dirt road that went up the hill to our church. How many of you know that in the old days, the key to the church was hung on a nail pounded into a madrone tree near the front door

Some members of our Lay Pastoral Team are also skilled in the kitchen (not one of my strengths) and they have gone the extra mile of baking or cooking a special sharing for an East Shore member they were meeting with. All these things, be they conversations, rides to appointments or something to grace the palate are examples of your Lay Pastoral Ministry team in action.

I would like to highlight one particular Covenant Circle – the Family Covenant Circle. The families who make up this Covenant Circle are, in many ways acting like the Lay Pastoral Ministry team for each other. This Covenant Circle is a tremendous asset for East Shore, welcoming and providing support to families as they join our church.

Each of us, as members of East Shore can help one another as an extension of the Lay Pastoral Ministry team by providing a helping hand with the skills and time we each have. You will learn more about Helping Hands from Carol in a few minutes.

In closing, please know we are here for you when needed and that we really enjoy our work as we serve as an extension of the Pastoral Care provided by Reverend Maria Cristina. 

Connie Hirnle

Carol Sinape

Over 8 years ago I was asked to provide a little help to members in need, and ever since this the Helping Hands Ministry has grown.

I found a calling that fits with my past history as a healthcare provider.  I am inspired and so moved by the generosity of East Shore members who step up to give .

HH provides members of East Shore a little extra help for a short time for whatever reason.

Ex: This can include cards, calls, visits, and/or emails when someone is recovering from an illness.

It also preparing +/or delivering meals, food shopping, giving rides to appointments, help with light housework, light yard work and more. There are many possibilities.

HOW DOES IT WORK?   When there is a request for help, it usually gets to the HH Coordinator directly,  The request also might come from the Minister, Lay Pastoral Ministers, or Membership Director and then relayed to me.

I then contact the East Shore Member to determine what help is needed. Information is gathered regarding groups they might be involved in such as a Covenant Circle, other Ministry groups, Other Committees or groups ( such as Women’s Perspective, Men’s Breakfast Group, Coffee Klatch, Book Club).

Sometimes the number of offers to help members is fantastic, other times we need more offers to help.

In your Order of Service today is a form we ask you fill out and leave with me or Milly as you exit the sanctuary today.

You may contact me directly with any questions. [email protected] 

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Google Maps offers you door-to-door directions for driving, walking, biking, or public transit.

We have several parking lots. Our upper lot, off SE 32nd Street, is closest to our Sanctuary, it has handicap and stroller parking. There is a roundabout for drop-offs. Our lower, main parking lot is also off SE 32nd Street. There are stairs that will lead you up to the Sanctuary. If that lot is full, there is also street parking on 32nd Street.


Learn more about accessibility at East Shore here.

East Shore Unitarian Sermons (Bellevue, WA)
East Shore Unitarian Sermons (Bellevue, WA)
Honoring Our Lay Pastoral Ministry Team


Sunday, February 26
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Event Categories:
Join Us:


East Shore Unitarian Church
12700 SE 32nd Street
Bellevue, WA 98005 United States
+ Google Map
View Venue Website