Ivy can block sunlight from the trees’ leaves. Dense ivy cover deprives the tree’s bark of normal contact with air and microorganisms and competes with the tree for nutrients and water. We can help the trees with simple work.
Come to the North Room after service for snacks, and then join us to pull ivy vines from the ground around our wonderful East Shore trees.
Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4EADAD2FA1FD0-50622892-allchurch
We have invited the Family Covenant Circle children to join us again this year to pull ivy. Last year the youth did an awesome job of clearing ivy.
We have several parking lots. Our upper lot, off SE 32nd Street, is closest to our Sanctuary, it has handicap and stroller parking. There is a roundabout for drop-offs. Our lower, main parking lot is also off SE 32nd Street. There are stairs that will lead you up to the Sanctuary. If that lot is full, there is also street parking on 32nd Street.