In just days, delegates at the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations will vote on whether or not to continue the bylaw revision process that has been underway since 2020. The proposed changes to Article II of the bylaws, which contains the seven principles, are an attempt to articulate the values that Unitarian Universalists hold today. With love at its center, this new proposal offers up the opportunity for us to have a deeper conversation about what Unitarian Universalism looks like today. Returning guest preacher Karishma Gottfried will join us virtually from Pittsburgh as they prepare for General Assembly to lead us into a conversation about what a Unitarian Universalism with love at its center might look like.
Karishma Gottfried is an Aspirant for UU ministry and an incoming seminarian at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. They were raised UU in the Pacific Northwest and attended Wellesley College where she led the UU campus ministry, Heartspace, and served the greater Boston area as the Campus Ministry Organizer of Sanctuary Boston. You might know Karishma from the viral TikTok account @unitarianuniversalist or for their youth and young adult leadership in the PNW and nationally. In their free time, Karishma plays guitar, dabbles in herbalism, and attempts to complete their goal of reading 100 books this year.
We require masks in all buildings. We encourage all in person participants to be vaccinated. Read more about our In Person Guidelines here.
• To virtually attend, please Zoom in using room number 989 3107 9078, passcode: chalice.
• To phone into the service, call 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 989 3107 9078.
For those joining, please mute as soon as you enter the room, so everyone can hear. Please note, the services will be recorded, but at this time, there are no plans to share the recording.
Religious Education for children and youth happens during worship on Sundays. Children and youth arrive in the Sanctuary for the just a little bit and welcome in Sunday with a story and song. Then, they attend their own programs in the Education building. Learn more here!
If you don’t have a chalice, but want to light one, check out our Making a Chalice at Home page.
Both virtual and in person services are followed by coffee hour.