Rev. Furrer was a thespian in his youth and has long felt that dramatic training was a wonderful readiness regimen for parish ministry. Not just training for the roles of toastmaster, impresario, and chief storyteller, but as the principal tribal ritual master every Sunday Morning. Come participate, in-person or online, in a five-part analytical, emotionally engaging study of ritual in our (1) every day and (2) Sunday lives, led by Grace Colton and Reverend Furrer.
To register, please pick your method of attending when you register, options are in person or via Zoom.
Questions to [email protected].
We have several parking lots. Our upper lot, off SE 32nd Street, is closest to our Sanctuary, it has handicap and stroller parking. There is a roundabout for drop-offs. Our lower, main parking lot is also off SE 32nd Street. There are stairs that will lead you up to the Sanctuary. If that lot is full, there is also street parking on 32nd Street.