The Seabeck UU Retreat is an intentionally inclusive and multi-generational annual church retreat over Memorial Day weekend at the Seabeck Conference Center overlooking the Olympic mountains on the Hood Canal The retreat offers Something for Everyone and is a wonderful way to get involved and more connected with members of East Shore, University Unitarian and the Northlake UU congregations.
Click Here to check out a sample weekend retreat schedule
For any questions, email [email protected] and we’ll forward your question to the relevant retreat leadership team member.
Guy Nelson is a Seattle-based actor, musician, author, journalist and organizational trainer. He’s led creativity workshops all over the US and overseas. They’re based on his 35 years as an actor and teacher of improv theater, which trains performers to create all forms of art spontaneously based on audience suggestions. He teaches those team-building methods in organizations, schools, businesses and churches/spiritual communities. Guy is a multi-instrumentalist and composer and is currently the Musical Director at Seattle’s Amazing Grace Spiritual Center. He also has a long career in public radio as a host and reporter for Seattle’s two NPR stations, KUOW and KNKX.
Guy has led this activity session in two previous years at ESUC Seabeck Retreats and people rave about the experience. The games are playful, fun and non-competitive. They quickly build a deep connection between participants and tap into everyone’s innate creativity and imagination. As the sessions evolve, participants explore storytelling and how much we can learn from telling our own stories and listening to those of others. For many it’s a transformational experience as we reflect on our habits of thinking, speaking and creating, then expand them beyond our self-defined limits. No experience necessary, all ages teen to seniors. Wear comfortable clothing. No props needed, though a notebook may help you remember key ideas.
All adult campers are required to volunteer during the weekend. Volunteer roles are fun, not too time consuming, and a great way to feel involved. We use a software program called SignUpGenius to track weekend volunteers needs and our Volunteer Coordinator will send you a link to the job descriptions after you have registered.
Lead an Afternoon Workshop
Each afternoon many other workshops offered by other attendees—like you—from our wonderful communities. Think about bringing your own talents to share with others, formally (in workshops offered) or informally, throughout the weekend as we gather, share and grow community, with families and elders alike.
Help with the Children’s Program
Your kids will have many opportunities to learn, explore, play, create and make lasting friendships. Think about helping out a lead teacher in one of the morning children and youth programs. It is always a joyful experience for all involved and we look forward to having your kids participate.
Registration for the retreat opens up at 8 am on Friday, February 24, 2023
For any questions, email [email protected] and we’ll forward your question to the relevant team member.
Refer to the Seabeck website for housing descriptions.
Each year, East Shore and University Unitarian meet at the Seabeck Conference Center on Hood Canal over Memorial Day for a weekend of fun, fellowship, learning, music and relaxation.
LIKE and FOLLOW the Unitarian Seabeck Memorial Weekend Facebook page
This is where you will find the most up-to-date information about the weekend!
Dean: David Langrock (ESUC)
Registrar: Sheridan Botts (ESUC)
Publicity: Jeanne Lamont (ESUC)
Musical Entertainment:
Children and Youth Programing:
Volunteer Coordinator:
Workshops Coordinator:
Spiritual Coordinator:
Welcoming & Inclusion Lead:
Supplies Coordinator:
Grounds and Skies:
ESUC Staff Lead: Nicole Duff, ESUC Director of Membership Development