“Daffodil time
is past. This is
summer, summer!
The heart says,
and not even the full of it.”
So writes the Unitarian poet William Carlos Williams (“The Ivy Crown,” 1955). And indeed, it is. Time to go barefoot, hear waves crashing on the beach; to play softball, wiffleball, or badminton. For some Unitarian Universalists, it’s also a time for our annual General Assembly, held virtually this year from June 23-27. For many Unitarian Universalist ministers, summer is also a time for unplugging the telephone and recharging one’s batteries. Due in part to the academic model which many 19th and early 20th century Unitarian churches followed, it became customary for most of our congregations to declare a holiday—or at least a reduction in services—during July and August. The effects of Covid-19 have made ‘20-’21 a stressful, demanding year for many of us and people we know and love. But with more and more citizens fully vaccinated even that’s beginning to loosen up.
Meanwhile, there’s more and more happening here at ESUC. Please read our letter about our slow opening up of our campus between July 1 and September 1. Some meeting and rites of passage are being scheduled but hold off on Sunday worship until 9/5/21. Meanwhile from mid-July through late August, Carol and I will be out of town and sometimes out of state. Meanwhile, my colleague and onetime President of this congregation, Rev. Bill Graves, will be on-call as your summer pastoral care minister while I’m away. And don’t forget to call members of the Lay Pastoral Ministers for support as well: they are there for just these purposes.
I truly hope this summer is happy and fun for everyone! With love, Steve