by Barb Clagett & Doug Strombom, co-chairs
Seven members from East Shore went to India in September to help our partners celebrate the 131st Anniversary of Unitarianism in NE India. There we heard wonderful testimonials about how effective our support of the Friendship School has been in developing young scholars and citizens.
As a special Anniversary Day gift, we delivered a portable solar “Luci” light to each family in our partner churches. Many thanks to all of you who contributed to this special project.
The pilgrims are Fran and Roger Corn, Mary Lou Lewis and her granddaughter Madison, Doug Strombom, Barb Clagett, and John Chmaj. Here is part of a thank-you note we received from the Kharang Unitarian Church:
Dear Brothers, Sisters, and Friends of Unitarian Church East Shore! Greetings to everyone out there – our friends. We, the members of Unitarian Church Kharang, are very glad for this opportunity to be able to share our happiness and feelings through this letter. Khublei, everyone! We are very grateful for all your kindness and good deeds that you have been supporting us, the people of Kharang. Thank you first of all for the beautiful solar lights you have given to every house of Unitarian Church Kharang.
We cannot tell you how grateful and thankful we are, especially for helping the Friendship School at Kharang, which is the first English School in our very own village. We, as well as other nearby villages, have benefited as well, especially the children. This school has improved the understanding, knowledge, and morale of their children and also parents. Thank you for your support all through these years.
Thank you also for sharing your love, happiness, joy, light, and cheerfulness with us. We are one big family; we share our laughs, happiness, and feelings together.
By the blessing of God, may our friendship and partnership continue and become stronger each day and last forever. We don’t have anything to give to you all except our prayers and love for everyone.
Happynora Kharbithai, Secretary, Unitarian Church, Kharang.