by Aisha Hauser, Director of Lifelong Learning
Most folks at East Shore are familiar with the Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education (OWL) program for children and youth. What some folks don’t know is that there are OWL programs for adults, and this fall we will offer the Older Adult OWL program which is brand new. It will be published this summer. Once published, this will be only the second program on sexuality for older adults in the country. As a society, we tend to internalize unhealthy attitudes about sexuality and it is never too late to learn how to embrace who we are as sexual beings. To find out more, please attend the information session that will be led by Milly Mullarky and Aisha Hauser on Sunday, May 19th at 9:00 am. We will go over the Our Whole Lives program in general and give specific attention to the new Older Adult program that will be offered. Come with your questions and we will have a fun and engaging discussion.