Listening Sessions
The Interim Transition Team (with good help from the Search Committee) is hereby publishing the results of the Listening Sessions conducted in June & July 2016:
Participation: A total of 135 participants responded to the invitation. This number includes facilitators and 3 people participated in more than one session. This represents approximately 20 to 25% of our membership. One characteristic that all participants seem to have in common is that they are actively engaged in ESUC Ministry Teams, programs, and worship. Most of the participants were middle aged and there were several younger parents of children. Also, there were a few new members who came to observe but also contributed observations.
Focus: Through a process of “Appreciative Inquiry” members had their current concerns about the ESUC community acknowledged and noted in a safe, non-judgmental environment. After an airing of concerns (as well as many expressions of appreciation) the focus was shifted to the emotional connections people had with the community as well as aspects of our community they most valued.
The ITT keyed in on responses to three questions:
• Current concerns
• What is most valued
• Desire for the future
The variety of responses were analyzed, categorized, and represented in the bar graphs below.
Initial Observations: There is considerable concern among participants about the sustainability of membership because of recent issues related to broken trusts, poor communication, and decision making/authority. What participants appreciate most is the sense of community that comes to expression through a variety of ways i.e., friendship, belonging, acceptance, shared values, spiritual growth sanctuary etc. In the desires and visions for the future there is a broader distribution of wishes as to how that gets expressed.
Objectives for ITT’s Process:
- Provide Elaine and the Board of Trustees data for managing to the current needs of the congregation.
- Provide the Ministerial Search Committee and ministerial candidates with a profile of current characteristics of our community.
- To provide the congregation with an opportunity to reflect on itself in an informed manner as we move through this time of transition.