by Aisha Hauser, Director of Lifelong Learning
The famous song from the hit musical Rent asks, “How do you measure a year in the life? In daylights, in sunsets? In cups of coffee?”
In our hyper capitalist society, we often measure “success” with how much money one has or how much status one may achieve. The current crisis we find ourselves in has confirmed for me that money and status do not measure the impact of one’s actions on others.
As I write my final column as the Director of Lifelong Learning for East Shore Unitarian Church, I find myself at a loss for words to fully convey all this ministry has meant to me over the last seven years. I thought of the song “Seasons of Love” from the hit musical as conveying how I feel most about what I have tried to bring to my work as a Unitarian Universalist religious educator. As the song continues, the clear answer is, “How about love? Measure in love.”
Love is at the root of my passion and enthusiasm for our faith. Love calls us to work toward a more just and equitable society in all the ways that we are able. It is only with a foundation of love for this community and a love for the potential for who Unitarian Universalists could be in the world, that I have been able to remain committed to the unending work of justice and equity.
I will miss so many people who I have worked closely with during my tenure. I can easily list close to a hundred people if I name each one. Due to space restraints, I am unable to name every single person. However, I do need to offer deep gratitude to two long time members who offered me care and support from day one while holding me accountable, helping me be the best person I can be.
Walter Andrews and Milly Mullarky have been part of East Shore for decades and their love and commitment for the entire community shines through in their ministries to families, children and youth. They both offered me guidance, care and sometimes told me things I didn’t want to hear, helping me become a stronger leader and more compassionate religious educator. Thank you, Walter and Milly for all you have given East Shore and for all you have given me as a person and as a religious educator.
Rhonda and Manny Brown, Marsha Marsh, Seth Hamilton and José García have been part of the core group of folks who started the first Black Indigenous and People of Color Affinity Group at East Shore. It has been a privilege to be a part of this group and offer and receive support, care and love.
I will carry with me beautiful memories with many of you, especially the children, youth and parents. I honor you and hope that you carry with you the light of love in all that you do.
In love and Faith,