Musical Notes: Introducing Misha

Sep 28, 2024 | Beacon, Music, News

Some of you have met Misha, who has been coming to East Shore since May. He is quite a talented and multi-faceted musician, with a number of impressive achievements in his life.

Missagh “Misha” Domirani was born in Iran, and has been playing music for over 16 years, and producing numerous musical projects for nearly a decade. He has has been a producer for various artists, including 40 singles and two albums. He has scored music for three movies, three television series and composed/sound-designed one video game. Misha has been a guitar teacher since 2014, and plays several instruments in addition to guitar. He was the music director of a non-governmental organization known as Imam Ali’s Relief Society. Misha moved to the USA in April 2024 to join his wife Ghazal who has been studying counseling at Bastyr University. “In May I was introduced to East Shore Unitarian Church,” Misha told me. “I am moved by the ideas and the work of the church. I feel blessed to be among these amazing people and the work they do.” After talking with Misha for a bit and finding out his vast experience in music and video production I asked if he would be interested in working with me on music for the documentary film ‘Queering India’ produced and hosted by Swapnesh Dubey (who has presented several services via video for ESUC.) We have been working on the music for over a month now, and have created some amazing tracks for the film. (Release date of the documentary will be announced well in advance.) We are also working on putting together a concert to be hosted at East Shore, featuring Misha on guitar, featuring several guest artists and ESUC members. Stay tuned for more information about this upcoming concert.

Misha is quite a friendly and outgoing person, and would love to more people at East Shore – especially as he is on his way to becoming a new member. Ask me for an introduction, or simply go up to him and say, ‘Hello, you must be Misha!’

Eric Lane Barnes
Director of Music