News from Earth & Climate Action Ministry Team

Feb 28, 2020 | Climate, News

by Kristi Weir

On February 1, the Earth & Climate Action Ministry Team (ECAM) hosted the Bellevue Kickoff for a grass roots campaign to replace Puget Sound Electric (PSE) with an East King County Public Utility District (EKC-PUD). Public Utility Districts (PUD) are not-for-profit community owned public utilities. The 60 who attended learned how a PUD would operate and were encouraged to sign up as signature gatherers. We need 35,000 signatures on a petition to put the EKC-PUD on the November ballot. As the website ( states, “PUDs exist to serve the people, not make money. With a mandate to provide clean, safe, and reliable power, our PUD can partner with the 28 other PUDs in Washington to lead a green energy revolution.”

ECAM has also been in the foyer collecting signatures. Be sure to sign if you live in the East King County PUD district. Even better, ask Marilyn Mayers (co-chair of the Bellevue campaign) or Gregg Selby (chair of the Mercer Island campaign) for a petition and ask your neighbors to sign.

Want to learn more about what you can do to address climate change? Consider coming to monthly meetings of 350/Eastside hosted by ECAM at East Shore. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm with the program at 7:00 pm. The next one is March 18! Come join us to get inspired and connect with others concerned about the future of our planet