East Shore provides a wide variety of ways to get involved, connect with other congregants, pursue your passion, and be of service. These include Standing Committees, Task Forces, and Ministry Teams (which include Affinity Groups). You may be wondering what the differences are. Your Policy and Governance Standing Committee is here to explain!
The first distinguishing factor is who authorizes and oversees the group. Additional attributes include whether membership is by appointment or is open to anyone, and whether the group is spelled out in our policies and/or bylaws, or is more ad hoc.
Groups Authorized and Overseen by the Board of Trustees (BOT)
Members in these groups are appointed by the Board of Trustees. They fall into two categories:
Standing Committees: which are continuous, as delineated in our By Laws. These include: Endowment, Financial Stewardship, Nominating, Personnel, Policy and Governance, Right Relations, and the Staff Leadership Team
Task Forces: which are created to complete a discrete task for the Board of Trustees, and have a short timeline. These currently include: Ministerial Search, Staff Leadership Team Review, and Holly House Sale
Groups Authorized and Overseen by the Staff Leadership Team (SLT)
These groups, called Ministry Teams, are open to any interested member or friend of the congregation. New groups can be proposed, and existing groups can be discontinued. As required by our bylaws, each must submit a charter which it updates annually, to assure its continued viability and alignment with the congregation’s mission, vision and goals. Some teams function as Affinity Groups, bringing together people with similar interests and passions.
The work of each is coordinated through a Staff Leadership Team member, which includes the Minister, Director of Religious Education, Director of Membership Development, and the Director of Finance and Operations. SLT members review the group’s charters, assist them with their work, and coordinate their efforts with other groups and with the overall mission, vision and goals of the congregation.
Here is a sampling of ministry teams listed by their coordinating SLT member:
Minister (Rev. Stephen Furrer): Adult Education, Earth and Social Justice, Lay Pastoral Care, Music (coordinated through the Music Director), Affinity Groups (i.e. Men’s Breakfast, book clubs)
Director of Religious Education (Amanda Alice Uluhan): Children and Youth, Archives
Director of Membership Development (Nicole Duff): Auction, Mission Fund Drive, Women’s Perspective
Director of Finance and Operations (Rebecca Chatfield): Finance, Facilities and Grounds (coordinated by Facilities Manager, Dianne Upton)
Charters for this year’s ministry teams are currently in process, and contact information and scope are being updated. A COMPLETE LIST OF ALL THESE OPPORTUNITIES WILL BE PUBLISHED IN NEXT MONTH’S BEACON!
NOTE: The protocols for all activities will be based on the health and safety practices followed throughout the church.
by Lori Saccardi