Our Building Beloved Community Committee works with several organizations locally and nationally. We recommend several organizations who offer classes and programs great for deepening your understanding.
8th Principle Learning Community
Lead by Paula Cole Jones, co-writer of the 8th Principle. Email:
[email protected] to get invitations to monthly meetings. Also ask to join the Facebook 8th Principle UU Learning Community.
ARE (Allies for Racial Equity)
An allies group building an anti-racist movement of white UU’s to dismantle white supremacy in ourselves, our congregations, and communities.
Beloved Conversations (Within)
Beloved Conversations—the signature offering of The Fahs Collaborative at Meadville Lombard Theological School—is a program for Unitarian Universalists seeking to embody racial justice as a spiritual practice. In Beloved Conversations, we are here to heal the impact of racism on our lives, in order to get free together. All members of our 8th Principle team are graduates of Beloved Conversations.
Eastside for All
Our mission is to transform East King County into a place where racial, economic, and social justice is made possible for communities of color. We do this by focusing on the local systemic changes required in our policies, practices, relationships, and investments. An East Shore representative participates in conferences and events presented by Eastside For All.
Eastside Pathways
Eastside Pathways is a partnership of nearly 70 public, private, and nonprofit organizations, working collective. A community-wide partnership that follows the collective impact framework and is working to close the persisting inequities and help every child thrive, cradle to career. East Shore representatives participate in Eastside Pathways.
Eastside Race & Leadership Coalition
We bring together local stakeholders from across the community who are committed to the value of diversity and inclusion at all levels of their organizations in order to learn from each other and share promising practices that will leverage the limitless potential of their diverse members and leaders. Our vision is to live in communities in which the diversity of leaders in local government, social service and non-profit organizations, commerce and education sectors reflect those living in the communities, and the decisions they make respect the cultural and social differences of those living, working, learning and growing in these communities and eliminate barriers that would keep them from achieving their fullest potential. East Shore representatives attend the monthly meetings.
Jubilee Three Anti-Racism Training: Learning Together About Systemic Racism
Jubilee Three description: Do you wish to deepen your understanding of how race and ethnicity play out in our institutions and our daily lives? Are you ready to take a leading role to nurture a multicultural future in the face of opposing cultural currents? Come Join Us for this Life-Changing Weekend!
Lakota People’s Law Project
We work closely with tribal nations and non-profit compatriots to amplify Indigenous voices, provise renewable resources in place of fossil fuel consumption, protect the voting rights of Native people and on-the-ground support when and where it is needed most. We aim to assist in the reclamation of Indigenous lands and stop all threats to Lakota culture.” An East Shore representative attends some conferences and events presented by the Lakota Law People’s Law Project.
Loretta Ross’s Calling In the Calling Out Culture
An online course on how we can create a Calling In Culture and learn about the relationship between Call Out/Cancel Culture and White Supremacy in the Age of Trump. 6 sessions, 6 facilitated discussion sessions, Q&A, and links to material.
Othering & Belonging Institute
- Advance multi-disciplinary research, analysis, policy and strategic narrative
- Build relationships among diverse groups and across disciplines
- Employ communications and culture to illuminate research and impact policy
- Make a difference
An East Shore representative participates in some conferences presented by the Othering and Belonging Institute.
Transformational Conversations (King County Town Hall 2021 series)
Created by and for King County employees of color. Open to anyone.