Pacific Northwest Virtual UU Summer Camps!

Jun 30, 2020 | Learning, News


East Shore’s local sibling congregations have collectivized to offer summer camps for seven weeks, running from the end of June into mid-August! All camps are theme based, and include activities, sharing, fun, and opportunities for connection. We will have breakout rooms, online, and offline time in each camp.

Register and find out more online at the Camp website

Camps for Preschool-6th grade this Summer:

All camps are offered as donate what you can (up to $100), donate directly to East Shore Unitarian Church memo: summer camp

There will be people from all over the Pacific Northwest including Victoria B.C., Bellevue, Kirkland, Shoreline, Seattle, and the Tri-Cities to put together some fun online camps. These camps will be attended by kiddos from all our congregations, so it will be a fun chance to meet and make new friends from other congregations! Geared toward age 12 and under AND they are open to everyone, including friends outside of the UU community

Virtual, with a hybrid of online-and-offline time. Each day of camp will have a few Zoom calls, some time for offline projects, and some on-demand videos and stories to watch as you like.

Summer Camp “Camp Kits” with supplies for each week will be picked up at East Shore the weekend prior to starting camp!

by Amanda Uluhan, Director of Religious Education