Porchlight Returns in October

Aug 28, 2024 | Beacon, Justice, News, Top News

Every October, for over 30 years, East Shore has hosted homeless gentlemen as part of Porchlight (formerly Congregations for the Homeless). These men must attain a high bar to be part of this rotating shelter. They are sober, most have jobs, and they travel through different churches throughout the year.

This October, approximately 20 men will be staying in Spring Hall. Our role is to 1. Provide a safe shelter for sleeping, showering and doing laundry; 2. Shop and provide food for grab and go breakfasts and lunches; 3. Serve as hosts to welcome them, provide conversation and companionship, 4. Provide a hot, fresh, dinner.

Please consider offering a meal as a ministry team, or a family, or any other group you can think of. ESUC can reimburse you for your expenses if you wish or you may donate your meal. Here are the links to sign up for shopping, hosting and cooking.
Cooking Dinner

Some people buy pizzas or other ready made meals. Others prefer to cook themselves. The North Room kitchen is available if you wish to cook there. If so, please also sign up for room use at this link, after you have chosen your day(s) esuc.org/about-us/rentals/ It is on the lower right at Member Room Reservation.

We also need members to join our ministry team to support the above activities. We are grateful for any time you can spare to help these worthy people feel seen and affirmed.

Questions? Contact Mike Radow or Peggy Phillips.

by Peggy Phillips, Porchlight