Postcard Writing to Get Out the Vote

Sep 11, 2024 | Beacon, Climate, News

Write Postcards for NO on I 2117

ECAM has 500 postcards waiting to be written for NO on I 2117. The backers of I 2117 want to repeal Washington State’s Climate Commitment Act (CCA) and forever ban any future price on carbon. The revenues raised through the CCA are important to improve our environment, to reduce pollution, and to fund projects for marginalized communities severely impacted by climate change. We need to defeat I 2117.

Pick up packets of 25 post cards in foyer on Sundays from Kristi Weir or to learn more about the NO on I 2117 campaign. Kristi will also have a post card writing party on Sept 19, 10-noon, at her house. Email her for her address.

Send Postcards

The Earth & Climate Action Ministry Team (ECAM) supports the work of Get out the Vote: The Environmental Voter Project (EVP). This project increases the number of voters who value the environment using postcard messaging.

Ron Lovell from ECAM is supporting this effort and has packets of 10 postcards for you to write and address. Pick a packet in the foyer on Sundays.