Processing the Election with Your Family

Nov 10, 2016 | News

Dear East Shore Unitarian Church Families,

This is a difficult day for our country. Regardless of how anyone voted, we are a divided nation and our children (and adults) are fearful of what will happen now. For those of us who are caretakers and have children and/or youth in our lives, it will be important to take the time to process feelings. Here are some ideas that may help the conversation:

  • Take a moment and acknowledge that we are in a time of uncertainty and give an opportunity to process feelings.
  • It will be important to emphasize that living with uncertainty is not something we are used to and it doesn’t feel good.
  • Take the time to explain that being part of a loving community, East Shore, means that we have each other to turn to and count on when the world is scary and uncertain.
  • Please refrain from making any assurances. It is not helpful or useful to say that, “Everything will be fine.” We don’t know if it will or won’t, what is useful is to discuss how we will always work for what is right and on the side of love. Affirm our desire to love, respect and care for each other and those who don’t have a voice in our society. Affirm that Unitarian Universalists love and respect people of all genders, all religions, all races and ethnicities. Service is our prayer, love and kindness are what we want to show to all. When we are in pain, we will comfort each other.
  • You may want to take a minute or two at the end of sharing to breathe and sit in a moment of silence.

Please do not hesitate calling me with any questions. Unfortunately, I won’t be with you this Sunday. I have a trip that was planned over a year ago as part of the UUA Nominating Committee in Boston. I am in the office today and will be back on Tuesday.

I am deeply grateful for all of you. Please know that we will come together and resist and work for a better nation. I believe that with all my heart.
Here is a link to resources from Teaching Tolerance, a website I refer to often for information on how to teach social justice to children of all ages.

In Faith and Peace,