by Aisha Hauser, Director of Lifelong Learning
I wanted to share an email from the UUA announcing a milestone in Amanda Uluhan’s professional development as a religious educator. These modules are opportunities for focused learning about different areas of faith development. In addition to these modules, Amanda has also completed Our Whole Lives (OWL) training levels, adult and middle/high school.
Congratulations, Amanda! East Shore Unitarian Church is so very lucky to have you as our RE Programs Coordinator!
Dear East Shore Unitarian Church:
On behalf of the UUA Lifespan Faith Engagement Office, we’re delighted to notify you that Amanda Uluhan has achieved Renaissance recognition for completing 75 hours of Renaissance training. In addition to a certificate, Amanda will also receive a Renaissance pin to commemorate this milestone.
We hope that this accomplishment will be celebrated by the congregation. I encourage you to place a copy of this letter in Amanda’s personnel file and to ensure that Amanda’s accomplishment is shared broadly within your congregation and beyond.
The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations greatly appreciates the support congregations provide for the continuing education of religious educators. Thank you for your commitment to strong religious education programming and for nurturing Amanda’s leadership.