Starting September 12, 2021 and running through May 22, 2022 we plan to gather on campus for our lower and upper elementary classes, as well as for our middle and high school youth programs. But, they can’t happen without your love and support! Please consider signing up to volunteer on a weekly, biweekly, or ad hoc basis. We have opportunities for folks to help with the following: the Spring Hall worship space for families with kids 12 and under; the outdoor coffee hour for kids and youth; an awesome user-friendly digital check-in; the health screenings; or one of our several age-based cohort classes! There’s room for everyone in caring for our children and we’d love to have you join our team and share your gifts and time.
We have been working to establish several outdoor gathering spaces and to use these as long as we need to for the benefit of our community health. Being outside helps not only to minimize transmission of COVID-19, it’s also a whole lot of fun! In fact, enjoying and using our campus for teaching, learning, and play is a huge priority for so many of our families and congregants and now we have the opportunity to experiment with more outdoor classes! We’re selecting curriculum that is suited for and easily used outdoors. Please read through the article “From the Minister” in this issue of the Beacon to learn more about some of the details for Sunday morning.
by amanda alice uluhan