What is the goal of the RE volunteer?
Adult congregants, parents and those without kids under 18, sign up annually, (and year after year!) to spend time with our UU kids and youth. The role of the volunteer is to connect kids and youth to our church community, to UU teachings and values, and to each other. You’re helping weave the threads that make us stronger!
What is volunteering like?
You’ll be interacting with age-based groups and leading or supporting the different activities we do each week. Sometimes the different groups will do things with one another or in a multigenerational context with Ministry teams or worship as well. You’ll receive an overview of the curriculum and volunteer responsibilities.
What do we do in the classes?
Faith formation and community building! The content and activities (curriculum) in the age-based classes and in the multigenerational special activities typically include our chalice ritual, covenanting, joys and sorrows, songs, stories, plays, service-based projects, and social time.
What do you need to be able to do to be a volunteer?
- connect with children and youth
- center the diverse needs of children and youth
- connect with volunteers, parents, and staff
- maintain a safe, supportive, and sacred environment
- file the biannual criminal history background check
- honor the East Shore RE adult volunteer covenant
- access to Realm, our digital membership database
What is the time commitment of volunteering?
Most volunteering occurs on Sunday mornings, with activities typically finishing by 12pm. Some field trips and extended activity time will be available to sign up for as well. The time commitment on Sundays is typically an hour and a half, including set up and clean up. The more often you can be in the classes with the kids, the more successful you will feel at volunteering. We create teams of four adults typically so that we can have substitutes and take weeks off. And we always need volunteers to sign up for our field trips and special events.
Are we going to meet in person?
It seems like by September, many of our youth and adults will be well vaccinated and much of the state and school will be opened. We can confidently plan that at least some of our time will be on-campus and outdoors, with the possibility of this being weekly as the pandemic allows, or interspersed with virtual time as wee need to continue with that type of programming. We have been working to establish several outdoor gathering spaces and have several tents for extra shelter. And, we’ll continue with our flexibility as the pandemic realities continue to unfold.
Reach out to me anytime!
In faith,
amanda alice uluhan
(425) 747-3780 ext. 104 | [email protected]
schedule a time to meet