Register Now for Children, Youth & Family Ministries 2024-25

Jul 3, 2024 | Beacon, Learning, News, RE-Flections

Please register your kids in our programs for Children, Youth, & Family Ministries for the 2024-2025 church year. Remember, all families, both new and returning, need to register each church year. Please register here.

This form is how you register your family for Sunday morning Religious Education, as well as our other ministries for kids and families such as our Junior and Senior High Youth Groups, family overnights, parent/caregiver groups, the Christmas Pageant, Sunday art tables, and more. There are so many ways to plug in and connect at church.

Our church year begins with Water Communion Sunday with one worship service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 8. Religious Education classes begin the following Sunday, September 15 also at 10:30 a.m.

The last Sunday of Religious Education classes in the 2024-2025 school year is Sunday, May 11, 2025.

Programming for families beyond Religious Education spans the entire church year, from September through May.

Families must register for each new church year, regardless of whether they’ve registered in prior years. We will be reaching out to families to confirm their enrollment in programs in late August 2024.

by Amanda Alice Uluhan, Director of Religious Education