by Amanda Alice Uluhan, RE Programs Coordinator
One year ago, East Shore lost a beloved member, a stalwart in local and national faith and justice organizations. Dick Jacke was a member of East Shore, along with his wife, Linda, and son, Teddy, for nearly 40 years. He was an organizer internally supporting East Shore’s own organizational processes and our efforts with social justice and adult religious education. Dick also supported regional Unitarian Universalist organizations, founding and shaping many efforts for joint cooperation on justice and advocacy projects. At the time of his passing, Dick was on the national UUA Board of Trustees, chair of the Eastside Meaningful Movies projects, and the transition team for the merger of what is now know has JUUstice Northwest.
This new DVD library, located in the Education Building, room E-101, is a donation from the Jacke family. Dick was an organized and thorough person, with an appetite for detail. Dick also had an appetite for knowledge and culture. East Shore’s holdings are only a portion of Dick’s extensive collections. Many of the library books we have across the hall from the DVDs were Dick’s as well. The DVDs we selected cover a range, focusing mostly on documentary, spirituality, and history. The collection also includes movies for children and youth, as well as some movies about music history.
This is a joint effort between the Religious Education program and the Earth and Social Justice Coordinating Council. The collection will be supported by an honor system self-checkout. Items are available for use for the educational purposes of the church and can be used during church classes, meetings, events, as well as borrowed to be watched at home. There will be a clipboard to provide information about the borrows name, immediate contact, and content used. You’ll be asked to record this so we can track not only where the items go, but how they are being used.