Why Teach?
- It’s fun!
- Get to know people of all ages in the church.
- Witness transformation in the lives of both the children and yourself. The children will remember your support, care, and positive influence.
- Experience Unitarian Universalism through different lenses, deepening your connection to the church and your faith by participating in both worship and teaching.
- Service is our prayer.
Who teaches?
People with children and people without children. People in their 20s through their 80s. Long-time church members and relative newcomers. You!
Who, me?! Yes, you!
We have one of the largest Unitarian Universalist Children, Youth, & Families programs in the Northwest – and that means we need a lot of volunteers! Our current major volunteer needs are with our Sunday morning Religious Education program. We need approximately 20 more adults to join volunteer teams to make our programming happen successfully and sustainably.
Volunteer teams consist of four adults for each grade level and service time, who will rotate through to ensure there are 2 adults in each classroom each Sunday. This averages out to every volunteer being in the classroom once or twice a month. Please thoughtfully consider whether you can support our congregation by volunteering your time, energy, and presence on a Religious Education team. We really and truly cannot do this ministry without you and other fabulous volunteers.
Current Volunteer Needs for Religious Education:
- Little UUs room Ages 0-5: 2 needed
- Discovery Year Kindergarten-3rd grade: 3 needed
- Stepping Stones 4th-6th grade: 2 needed
- YES-UU 7th-8th grade: 3 needed
- YRUU 9th-12th: 3 needed
Important Dates
- September 7, 9am-3pm: Annual Volunteer Training
- September 15, 10:30am: First Day of RE
Fill out this form. If you are interested in joining a volunteer team in support of our young folks this year, or if you’d like more information to help make your decision, please reach out to Amanda via email at [email protected] or by phone at 425-747-3780 x 104. You will make her day!
by Amanda Alice Uluhan, Director of Religious Education