Upcoming Earth & Social Justice Activities


November: Guest at Your Table – Guest at Your Table is UUSC‘s longest-standing fundraising and educational program for congregations. The 2018-2019 Theme is “Justice Across Borders.” From the Northern Triangle of Central America, to deserts of Mexico and Arizona, to detention centers in the United States, the road away from danger is paved with injustices. Partnering with grassroots allies along the Central American migration trail, UUSC addresses root causes, supports migrants in transit, and protects the right to seek asylum. Join other ESUC members to support these courageous Migrant Justice partners.

November 6: Election Day – The midterm elections are less than a week away! By now, registered voters have received their ballots. Our 5th Principle is “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.” This midterm election is very important, and it’s more than just candidates. This election also has issues on climate protection and gun violence, as well as police training. So get out and vote! Here are a few things to help:

  • If you didn’t receive a ballot, or lost it, you can print off a new one here.
  • Wondering who and to vote for? You can read the voters guide here.
  • Remember, you can drop off your ballots at one of these boxes, or even in the mail (though it is suggested you mail early to ensure its counted)


November 8-December 9: Giving Tree – The holidays are upon us! Plans are underway for another wonderful Giving Tree season at ESUC. We will have 300 gift tags from 7 local agencies that support youth, seniors, homeless, and underprivileged people. The agencies we sponsor are Childhaven, Friends of Youth, Hope Link, Olive Crest, PSKS (Peace for the Streets by Kids from the Streets), Snoqualmie Valley Senior Services, and Sound Mental Health. Our Giving Tree will be raised on November 8 with a gift deadline of December 9 (December 2 for Olive Crest). All gifts must be new and unwrapped. This is a wonderful event for all ages! Keep watching for that beautiful tree and our friendly elves in the foyer of our church.

November 17: Understanding & Embracing Differences: A Workshop for Parents and Caregivers on Anti-Bias Principles & Practices – Join us for a workshop on Saturday November 17 from 10am-1pm at East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd St., Bellevue, WA. Registration includes lunch (vegan and meat options available). Childcare provided upon request: [email protected] or upon registration. Register here. Registration: $15 fee/family. Aisha Hauser, East Shore’s Director of Lifelong Learning, and leading force in National awakening for racial and multicultural justice, will be leading the workshop.

November 18: JUUstice Washington’s Web-Based Legislative Conference – Please join with East Shore and other UU congregations to help shape JUUstice Washington’s 2019 legislative priorities for the upcoming State legislative session. UUs from around the state take part in an an annual web-based conference after the fall election to discuss major issues and set priorities. This year marks the start of JUUstice Washington, which has formed from the NWUU Justice Network and UU Voices for Justice to more effectively promote earth and social justice. Click here for more information and to register. We’ll meet Sunday, November 18, 1:30-3:30 p.m., in the ESUC Library, and have a web connection with other congregations. Mike Radow will host at East Shore, and facilitate a discussion to help us understand issues and clarify our thoughts. Participants may vote until Tuesday, November 20. Contact Mike for more information.

November 18: Annual Faith Action Network (FAN) Dinner – Please join East Shore and other progressive faith communities across the state in celebrating unprecedented victories and opportunities in the state legislature and courts and in supporting FAN’s work for the coming year. FAN brings the collective power of progressive communities such as ours to educate people about the roots of injustice and to advocate effectively for justice, compassion, and inclusiveness. Attending FAN’s annual dinner is the main way East Shore supports FAN financially in its work to move forward our dream for the common good. It’s also inspiring and fun. Register for the dinner here or by phone at 206-625-9790. Email Jane if you would like to join others who are carpooling there.

November 20: Meaningful Movies on the Eastside – This month’s movie, Waste Land, follows renowned Brooklyn artist, Vik Muniz, as he journeys to Jardim Gramacho, outside of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At the world’s largest garbage dump, Muniz photographs an eclectic group of “catadores” – self-designated recyclers — as they create photographic images of themselves. These images reveal both the dignity and despair of various women and men as they begin to reimage their lives. The screening is part of the Eastside Meaningful Movies series co-sponsored by East Shore with three other local congregations. Join us on Tuesday evening, November 20, at 7:00 p.m., at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, across Factoria Blvd. from Newport High School. Discussion will follow. Suggested donation is $5 per person, but no one will be turned away. Free refreshments!


December: Guest at Your Table – Guest at Your Table is UUSC‘s longest-standing fundraising and educational program for congregations. The 2018-2019 Theme is “Justice Across Borders.” From the Northern Triangle of Central America, to deserts of Mexico and Arizona, to detention centers in the United States, the road away from danger is paved with injustices. Partnering with grassroots allies along the Central American migration trail, UUSC addresses root causes, supports migrants in transit, and protects the right to seek asylum. Join other ESUC members to support these courageous Migrant Justice partners.