Staffing Hiring & Updates

Sep 28, 2019 | News

New Office Assistant

We are excited to announce the hiring of a new Office Assistant! Jenny Newell will be a part time working Monday through Friday. Her first day was Wednesday, September 25.

Jenny moved to the Pacific Northwest from Southern California in 2012. She was previously a member of the Conejo Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Thousand Oaks, CA, where she worked in Childspace, as the Youth Group Facilitator, and was a founding member and co-leader of their CUUPS chapter. Jenny is a regular volunteer at the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle (formerly EMP Museum) where she can indulge her love of public speaking. Previously she worked for the Moorpark Unified School District as a drama teacher. In her spare time she enjoys sewing and cosplay, and she is an avid Dungeons & Dragons player.  

Jenny lives with her spouse Ben and their dog Chaplin. They have two children. 

Please be patient with Jenny as she learns all the aspects of her job and of East Shore.

Caregiver Title Change

Our excellent caretakers, Celil C. and Joseph Newman, have both been working for us at ESUC for a couple of years now. In that time, they have excelled in capacity and availability any of the other recent custodians. To help recognize their strong contribution to our church’s renewing strength and vitality, the Board, at Rev. Furrer’s and the Personnel Committee’s recommendation, have re-titled their positions as that of SEXTONS. It’s an ancient, medieval designation, but common in many UU and other churches across the land, designating slightly more areas of competence and performance goals. Welcome, ESUC Sextons Joseph and Celil!