Children and and youth Sign up for a watering shift during at least one week this summer to help our baby native plant garden establish their roots. Sign up here. Check out this video tutorial for more information.
Can you help assemble and install some playground equipment? We are getting some new equipment and need some energy to put it together. Email Dianne Upton, Facilities Manager, and lend your time (ages 11+) this summer.
Register for a free, three-day summer camp at East Shore with community partner Camp Kindness Counts and learn about how to develop your strengths through service to others. Ages 5-10 on August 8, 9, and 10th. Families welcome. Register here.
Save the Date: In Person RE Facilitator Training, September 10, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Volunteer members and friends facilitate and lead our programs with children and youth. If you haven’t experienced the power of mentorship, consider doing so this year. Parents are asked to contribute their time to our cooperative model of education.
Ministry programs for children and youth start Sunday, September 18. Come to a multiplatform, RE Info Session at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 14th (Zoom here). We’re excited to be with you next year and to keep growing our souls for peace and justice in this world. Stay tuned for registration and program details.
by amanda alice uluhan, Director of Religious Education