by Peggy Phillips, co-chair
You are a kind and generous congregation! Thank you so much for making our monthly visit and sponsorship of Congregations for the Homeless such a success. During the month we provided at least one host each night – several performing multiple nights; Sandwich makers – every day from October 15 – 31; 10 shoppers to assist with items; 3 hot breakfasts and 16 dinner meals provided by various groups within the church. This has truly been an all church event! In addition to all the donated dinners and supplies, the congregation supported a visiting Dental Van and paid for daily supplies of toiletries/cleaning materials, breakfast; snacks for grab and go lunches; sandwich making supplies for the second half of the month. We also relied heavily on our ESUC Facilities Staff! As you can see, this is a significant outreach for our church.
Thank you very much for your participation. We are looking for folks to join our Ministry Team to help coordinate volunteers in 2019. Please contact Dean Dubofsky, Chris Edwards, Ralph Lutz or Peggy Phillips if you are interested or have any questions. The commitment is concentrated in the month of October. I promise you – this is good work!
Volunteers by name as noted in Sign up Genius:
Hosts: Tom and JoAnne Way, Beth Wilson, Craig Nelsen, Elaine Cox, Jim Shuman, Carol and Dave Taucheck, Steve Sandry, Cyrus Khubcher, Marcy Langrock and family, Ned and Louise Kurabi, Den Kerlee, Jeanne Lamont, Doug Strombom, Carrie Bowman, and Peggy Phillips
Sandwich Makers: Irene McVey, Gary Saaris, Carol Sinape, Laurie Wick and Bob Weiss, JoAnne and Tom Way, Evelyn and Leroy Smith, Ruth and Tim Russell, Laura Rivendell and Ryam Hill, Maureen Campbell and Trish Hunter, Bruce and Jean Sillers, 9:00 a.m. RE Program and Walter Andrews, Kristi Weir, and Peggy Phillips
Shoppers: Elaine Cox, Barbara Elliott, JoAnne Way, Kristi Casiano, Michele Fleck Snydsman, Geri Kennedy, Paul Buehrens, and Peggy Phillips
Dinners: Some names represent contact person for a group Gustafson Covenant Circle, Sheridan and Richard Botts Covenant Circle, Hamilton Family, Atwood Covenant Circle, ESUC High School Youth Group, Emily Dickinson Extended Family, Connie Hirnle Covenant Circle – Women’s group, Ramsey/Kerlee Covenant Circle, Carrie Bowman, Rhonda Brown, and the People of Color Group, Dean Dubofsky/Trish Webb/Paula Pedroso/Peggy Phillips, Evelyn Smith, Den and Anne Kerlee, Pounce Covenant Circle, and Vicky Hardy.
Hot Breakfasts: Peggy Phillips, Lucy Rahman, Manny Brown, Clare Sherley and worship friends
ESUC Staff: Dianne Upton, Celil Cakmak, Joseph Newman, Nicole Duff, Lucy Rahman, Jason Puracal, and Amanda Alice Uluhan
Haircuts: Jennifer Sumner
Move-In/Move Out: Ralph Lutz
Financials/Treasurer: Chris Edwards
Core Ministry team: Dean Dubofsky, Chris Edwards, Ralph Lutz, Peggy Phillips