Disaster! Be That Person Who Knows What to Do in an Emergency: Three-Part Series
Please register at tinyurl.com/esucdisasterprep. No cost to attend.
Monday, November 5, 7:00 pm: It’s in the (Go) Bag
A few years ago FEMA suggested people should be “Three Days Ready” to take care of themselves after a disaster, but now the official advice is “Two Weeks Ready.” What does that mean, and why did FEMA lengthen the timeframe? What items do you need for two weeks or longer? Learn what you REALLY need stored in your house, car, workplace, or place of worship to help make it through any disaster scenario. We will have show and tell and also discuss how to build great disaster kits on a budget.
Monday, November 12, 7:00 pm: Earthquake! Now What?
Did you know our earthquake-prone Pacific Northwest is overdue for “The Big One” that could happen anytime in the next 1-250 years? Learn some earthquake facts and what scientists have learned from Mexico and California earthquakes since the 1980s that changed how we build houses today. Learn what to do during and immediately after an earthquake to stay safe. Learn how to quickly assess whether you can stay in your own house for now, or if it would be wiser to head to the nearest Red Cross Shelter. We will also cover preparation happening at the city, state, and regional level.
Monday, November 19, 7:00 pm: How Neighborhoods Care Prepare for Disasters
In our busy modern lives, we often don’t know our neighbors very well. Do you know who has medical training in your neighborhood? Or who owns a chainsaw? After a disaster, good information is crucial, and the normal channels can be down. Learn how the City of Bellevue can support you in disaster preparedness at the neighborhood level. Create pockets of resilience to speed up recovery and even save lives! We cover the basics of neighborhood-level organizing and discuss strategies to use including Next Door, CERT and Map Your Neighborhood.
Rebecca Chatfield, PhD, helps people, neighborhoods, small businesses and nonprofits learn how to be resilient when the unexpected happens. Good plans and preparation can help reduce the impact of a severe event like a storm, an earthquake, or a prolonged power outage. With the Bellevue Citizen Corps in the Office of Emergency Management, Rebecca enjoys teaching classes that inspire people to talk to each other, make and practice useful plans, and play with fun equipment — all in the name of disaster preparedness. Rebecca was Director of Finance & Operations at East Shore from 2013-2015.
Cooking for the Holidays: Wednesday, November 7, 7:00 pm
Holidays are often a time when our best intentions as far as healthy eating go astray. But it doesn’t have to be that way! We’ll talk about how to handle the many issues that come up at holiday times when cooking for or eating with your meat-eating family members, and discuss ideas for special vegan holiday dishes. We’ll make some delicious dishes that all your guests can enjoy. Amanda Strombom, President of Vegetarians of Washington, gives regular cooking classes to support those interested in moving toward a plant-based diet and learning new ways of preparing food avoiding animal products.
Dream Big: Wednesday, November 14, 7:00 pm
One of the questions flowing from the decision to sell or develop the Holly House property is “How will the money be used?” The Holly House Development Task Force is continuing their Dream Big discussions. This conversation will explore ways we can increase education and outreach aimed at greater diversity, equity, and inclusion at ESUC and in our community. Join other members of the congregation to talk about how ESUC might invest significant funds to further our mission and vision to practice love, explore spirituality, build community, and promote justice.
Understanding & Embracing Differences: A Workshop for Parents and Caregivers on Anti-Bias Principles and Practices: Saturday, November 17, 10:00 am-1:00 pm
Research shows children as young as 6 months old are able to categorize people by race. By 4 and 5 years old, children start to discriminate against peers. But research also shows children’s biased attitudes are not directly correlated to those of their parents and caregivers. That’s because the youngest members of our communities see and hear everything, and prejudice is woven into the very fabric of society. Join us to dialogue on the ways we can healthily talk about difference and undoing-isms (racism, classism, sexism, etc.) with our children. All are welcome. Register today at tinyurl.com/ESUCUnderstandingDifferences. $15 registration includes lunch (vegan and meat options available). Childcare provided upon request at time of registration. Aisha Hauser, East Shore’s Director of Lifelong Learning, and educator for racial and multicultural justice, will be leading the workshop.
Holiday Dedications & Poinsettias: November 25, December 2, 9, 16, & 21
The holiday season is the perfect time to celebrate the people we love. The Flower Team is offering the opportunity to remember those with a donation for a poinsettia. Each plant is $25, and dedications will be listed in the Christmas Eve programs. Days when envelopes will be available and collected are: November 25, December 2, 9, 16, and 21.