by Nicole Duff, Membership Development Manager
General Assembly is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association. Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend. The 2019 General Assembly will be June 19-23 in Spokane.
The Power of We
What do we want Unitarian Universalism to be? It is a time when we are asking big questions in our faith, and GA 2019 will be focused on digging into those questions together. It is a critical chance for congregational leaders and passionate UUs to set new goals and aspirations for our religious community. Help begin to reshape our Association and our congregations in new and powerful ways.
This year’s theme is about collective power, “The Power of We,” as well as the possibility, the purpose, the struggle and the joy of what it means to be together in faithful community. In the past two years, Unitarian Universalism has recommitted to the work of liberation inside and outside our faith community. The antidote to a time of dangerous dehumanization is a love that connects us to our deeper humanity. Come to Spokane to experience what our shared faith can become when we embrace the Power of We. Register online at
Excellent Programming
GA will offer more than 100 programming selections over the course of five days, including classes taught by our own Aisha Hauser! This year, in addition to Theme-Based Programming, the schedule will feature Role-Based Track Programming, including time for discussion among attendees, sharing inspiring models and stories, and concrete suggestions for how to further the work or “take it home.” More programming details are available at
Be a Delegate!
East Shore needs representatives for voting at General Assembly. These individuals represent all members at East Shore and will be approved by the Board. If you are interested in this honor, contact Nicole Duff at [email protected].