Most Sundays during the worship service, East Shore has FOUR rooms open to children and youth. These spaces help build peer relationships, and if we had just TWENTY active teachers (less than 7% of the congregation), each teacher would only need to volunteer once a month. However, we’ve had only about FIFTEEN volunteers supporting these four classrooms over the past two months.
While the Education building may feel like a distant land, it is a warm, supportive space for building peer connections and nurturing the East Shore family community. Whether you can come once or twice a month, we invite you to join our fun community as hallway monitors, greeters, singers, game-players, listeners, or baby-pickers-uppers. Some rooms require prep, but we can often do that together on the morning of. Volunteering in our kids programs is a great way to meet more of the community, have fun while learning new skills, and share your unique gifts! No experience is necessary. Interested or want to learn more? Email our Director today at [email protected] to find out more.
by Amanda Alice Uluhan, Director of Religious Education